4 stones of wisdom for being a 'Remembered Successful' human & (your title of choice)
Photo by Austin Kehmeier on Unsplash I want to be a 'remembered success' by people by whom I pass by in my life and when reflecting upon those people whom I remember and were successful, I believe the major 4 things they all did were - 1. Detachment - We all live in a society where we work, either for capital gains or for personal fulfillment; where we eat, sleep, speak, etc to remain in the present society or move in a 'better' one and thus we should always remember our destinations and ways we can cut short the time to reach there. In this process, we should stop being attached to objects/persons and should rather focus on the work /skills they possess which can help and guide us to move forward. Detachment does not mean not being in the social scene, rather it means not being attached to all the luxuries which we are using to reach our goal. For example, I am presently drafting a business pla